Your savings

Apply scenario planning to set, track, and reach your saving goals...from rainy day funds, to holidays, to home deposits.
Start for free
A financial roadmap for your saving goals Emergency pot £6,000

All your saving goals in one place

sloth money table view with saving goals - mobile

Add and keep track of each of your saving goals in an easy-to-read dashboard. This consolidated approach brings peace of mind as you keep tabs on your progress.

Plan ahead with scenarios

sloth money map view with alternate scenarios

Consider various possibilities, both positive and negative. Plan for these scenarios so that your progress towards your saving goals isn’t impeded by life’s curveballs.

Track changes based on reality

sloth money table view before changing deposits

Both the table and map view reflect adjustments to your goal timelines - accommodating deposits, withdrawals and other shifts to keep you on top of it all.

Achieve saving goals with your partner

Coming soon

sloth money map view with share menu

Keep tabs on shared goals with your partner so that you're on the same page. Track progress against shared dreams such as holidays, home deposits, weddings and house renovations.

Save for any scenario

Ready to reach your
savings goals?

Lifetime purchase
One-time purchase, lifetime access.
No monthly subscriptions for a limited time only.
lots of goals being achieved